Question / Help A little help?


New Member
Hey guys. My friends and I decided to start streaming our games once in a while. After trying xsplit, I decided to switch to OBS, and I had a few questions:
First off, the few videos that I have streamed lag and cause a buffer time. Also when I tried to skip to a certain part of the video, it kind of stops loading.
Second, is there anyway to stream ventrilo conversations so that it doesn't look like I'm talking to myself? Also our conversations are pretty funny so I thought others might enjoy them.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Not entirely sure what you mean with the first question/comment, you may have to be more specific. As for the second question, It should pick up ventrilo if it's outputting to the same device as your games -- otherwise, if it's outputting to your headset while the game is outputting to your speakers, then you may have to get the audio input plugins in the plugins forum to get them both at the same time (can admittedly be kind of annoying)


New Member
Well its all going through my headset, and in the video you can hear the game, but not ventrilo except for the mic que.

Here's the log:
22:22:49: Open Broadcaster Software v0.554b - 32bit (´・ω・`)
22:22:49: -------------------------------
22:22:49: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz
22:22:49: CPU Speed: 3310MHz
22:22:49: Physical Memory:  4095MB Total, 4095MB Free
22:22:49: stepping id: 7, model 10, family 6, type 0, extmodel 1, extfamily 0, HTT 1, logical cores 4, total cores 4
22:22:49: monitor 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1600, 900}
22:22:49: Windows Version: 6.1 Build 7601 S
22:22:49: Aero is Disabled
22:22:49: -------------------------------
22:22:49: OBS Modules:
22:22:49: Base Address     Module
22:22:49: 01340000         OBS.exe
22:22:49: 5CF10000         OBSApi.dll
22:22:49: 664E0000         DShowPlugin.dll
22:22:49: 6AA30000         GraphicsCapture.dll
22:22:49: 685B0000         NoiseGate.dll
22:22:49: 67CE0000         PSVPlugin.dll
22:22:49: 64990000         scenesw.dll
22:22:49: ------------------------------------------
22:22:49: Adapter 1
22:22:49:   Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti
22:22:49:   Video Adapter Dedicated Video Memory: 1025179648
22:22:49:   Video Adapter Shared System Memory: 3221106688
22:22:49: =====Stream Start: 2013-09-09, 22:22:49===============================================
22:22:49:   Multithreaded optimizations: On
22:22:49:   Base resolution: 1600x900
22:22:49:   Output resolution: 1280x720
22:22:49: ------------------------------------------
22:22:49: Loading up D3D10 on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti...
22:22:49: C:/Users/Captain Badass/AppData/Roaming/OBS/shaderCache/shaders/DrawTexture.pShader.blob
22:22:49: C:/Users/Captain Badass/AppData/Roaming/OBS/shaderCache/shaders/DrawSolid.pShader.blob
22:22:49: C:/Users/Captain Badass/AppData/Roaming/OBS/shaderCache/shaders/DownscaleBilinear1YUV.pShader.blob
22:22:49: Playback device {}.{6f53fe1f-a893-44a0-8798-2e1b3a149776}
22:22:49: ------------------------------------------
22:22:49: Using desktop audio input: Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)
22:22:49: ------------------------------------------
22:22:49: Using auxilary audio input: Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)
22:22:49: ------------------------------------------
22:22:49: Audio Encoding: AAC
22:22:49:     bitrate: 96
22:22:49: C:/Users/Captain Badass/AppData/Roaming/OBS/shaderCache/shaders/ColorKey_RGB.pShader.blob
22:22:49: C:/Users/Captain Badass/AppData/Roaming/OBS/shaderCache/shaders/AlphaIgnore.pShader.blob
22:22:49: Using Window Capture
22:22:49: ------------------------------------------
22:22:49:     device: USB Video Device,
22:22:49:     device id \\?\usb#vid_0ac8&pid_3420&mi_00#7&1749f1d5&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global,
22:22:49:     chosen type: YUY2, usingFourCC: false, res: 640x480 - 640x480, frameIntervals: 333333-666667, fourCC: 'YUY2'
22:22:49:     audio device: Disable,
22:22:49:     audio device id Disabled,
22:22:49: C:/Users/Captain Badass/AppData/Roaming/OBS/shaderCache/plugins/DShowPlugin/shaders/YUXVToRGB.pShader.blob
22:22:49: Using directshow input
22:22:49: C:/Users/Captain Badass/AppData/Roaming/OBS/shaderCache/shaders/DrawTexture_ColorAdjust.pShader.blob
22:22:49: ------------------------------------------
22:22:49: Video Encoding: x264
22:22:49:     fps: 29
22:22:49:     width: 1280, height: 720
22:22:49:     preset: veryfast
22:22:49:     CBR: no
22:22:49:     CFR: no
22:22:49:     max bitrate: 1500
22:22:49:     buffer size: 1500
22:22:49:     quality: 10
22:22:49: ------------------------------------------
22:22:49: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)' is 384000, samples per sec is 48000
22:22:49: MMDeviceAudioSource: Frequency for device 'Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)' is 352800, samples per sec is 44100
22:24:22: Total frames rendered: 2668, number of late frames: 5 (0.19%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)
22:24:22: Profiler results:
22:24:22: ==============================================================
22:24:22: frame - [100%] [avg time: 3.551 ms (cpu time: avg 2.713 ms, total 7238.45 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 99.8%] [unaccounted: 0.169%]
22:24:22: | frame preprocessing and rendering - [57.8%] [avg time: 2.052 ms (cpu time: avg 1.397 ms, total 3728.43 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 41.6%] [unaccounted: 16.2%]
22:24:22: | | scene->Preprocess - [41.6%] [avg time: 1.478 ms (cpu time: avg 0.795 ms, total 2121.61 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1]
22:24:22: | video encoding and uploading - [42%] [avg time: 1.493 ms (cpu time: avg 1.309 ms, total 3494.42 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 38.9%] [unaccounted: 3.1%]
22:24:22: | | flush - [2.34%] [avg time: 0.083 ms (cpu time: avg 0.081 ms, total 218.402 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1]
22:24:22: | | CopyResource - [0.394%] [avg time: 0.014 ms (cpu time: avg 0.017 ms, total 46.8 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
22:24:22: | | conversion to 4:2:0 - [0.535%] [avg time: 0.019 ms (cpu time: avg 0.005 ms, total 15.6 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
22:24:22: | | call to encoder - [35.7%] [avg time: 1.266 ms (cpu time: avg 1.186 ms, total 3166.82 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
22:24:22: | | sending stuff out - [0.0282%] [avg time: 0.001 ms (cpu time: avg 0.005 ms, total 15.6 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 0]
22:24:22: | Convert444Threads - [1.95e+003%] [avg time: 69.204 ms (cpu time: avg 1.508 ms, total 4024.83 ms)] [avg calls per frame: 1]
22:24:22: ==============================================================
22:24:22: =====Stream End: 2013-09-09, 22:24:22=================================================
22:26:34: Settings::Video: Disabling Aero


Active Member
ever thought about that when you are watching your vod you literally watching a encoded and uploaded video like on youtube but twitch doesnt really care about the vod's because thats not what twitch really is made for its all about the actual life streaming... so yes skipping to parts in a vod's or even watching it normally will cause buffertimes now and then


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Okay, if all your audio comes through your headset, and your headset is USB, then try going into audio settings, then select your headset for "desktop audio device" instead of whatever is default, and see if that works.