a function to broadcast videos perfectly like Xsplit


New Member
you must see how inconvenient and low quality it is.
i don't need to talk about this and post images here.
just broadcast video on Xsplit (you drag and put video file on Xsplit. and you can resize)
and broadcast video on OBS.
you can see the difference.
it is fucked up when i resize the video or resize the scene.
i don't want to use Xsplit because i can use only 25 FPS. this is so bad.
but i must use Xsplit because OBS is more terrible. it is fine when i broadcast game.
it is too bad when i broadcast gameplay videos.

i don't want to explain everything here.
just try this. video on Xsplit and video on OBS.
please at least add the same function with same quality like Xsplit.
i think you can make better function than Xsplit but it is too bad currently.
i can't use OBS because of this problem.
why must i play video on OBS??
i don't need to play video on Xsplit. and resizing video on Xsplit is sooooo convenient with highest quality of the video. it does highest resolution. but OBS can't do highest resolution or i must play this video on highest rersolution. this is ridiculous.

look at the screenshot.
you can see bunch of MP4. the videos. i can drag videos and put my videos in Xsplit. very convenient and easy.
and there is option i can loop, rewind, nothing the video and i can stop or play the video etc when i do right click it.


no need to play the video to broadcast the video. i just drag it in xsplit. and click the check box.


resize so easy. my video fits in perfectly. it always does highest resolution


when i try to resize it, it is fucked up.
it doesn't broadcast my video at highest resolution unless i play this video at highest resolution. super inconvenient.
my video doesn't fit in perfectly and automatically like Xsplit.
(it seems the image is cut. http://i.imgur.com/UAhdV.jpg)

Please!! you need to something on this!!
this problem is too serious for me.


Try using something like DXtory, which captures straight source, along with OBS. I'm sure OBS will have more DXtory style features when it reaches a higher level of maturity (and video player functionality).

I appreciate hefty amounts of hyperbole, but acting like the world is ending because you have to maximize videos is kinda silly.


Community Helper
Video sources are on the list of things to do. They are on the way.

You certainly are being pretty dramatic...please understand that this is not commercial software, just an open-source project by one guy (with some help) in his spare time, and it's still in alpha. Just be patient.


Town drunk
Window Capture with VLC and some Sub Region editing does basically what you want (for the record, a Position of 0 , 20 removes the top menu bar from VLC, and then just set the Resolution to your video file's max res). Plus you can even set up playlists in VLC. Yes, you have to press stop and start but...oh well, can't have everything?


Actually, all you need to do is open VLC, put it on full screen, make a game capture, select VLC and you have a direct stream :)
A bit of a workaround, but works perfectly.


Town drunk
Not unless you need to resize and/or move the video around. Window Capture provides far more flexibility for video files, at the moment.


New Member
You can hide VLC's interface with Ctrl+H. Then right click on video and in the context menu go to Video>Zoom>1:1 Original (or just keep your scene's size/aspect). Now you can capture this. If you want to use controls you can enable web interface.


Aside from VLC, you can also try a program called "VCam" made by e2esoft. This program basically creates a virtual capture device that you can add in OBS and it lets you play videos directly to the capture device. VCam can also capture from many other sources, including other streams.

You can download a trial version or buy the full version (it's cheap) from here http://www.e2esoft.cn/vcam/

(There is also a plugin you can download from that site to allow VLC to play video into VCam, which will then relay it to OBS if you have any problems with VCam's video playback for any reason.)


I find this post offensive. Im sure that it wasn't intended, but a crying demand for functionality that can only be expected in a polished finished product show little respect of whats going on here. Right now, OBS is about getting a stable and quick capture and broadcast on several different MS OS.


yeah, this is like first world problems. Stuff like this shouldn't really be considered until the many more serious features and issues are addressed.