A Few Suggestions


New Member
I have been using OBS to stream gaming content to twitch for about a year now. I recently discovered OBS Studio and really like the redesign and work that has gone into this. Unfortunately, there are a couple of features still lacking in both versions that either can't be done or require a plugin to achieve.

Audio Device Configuration Based on Scene
While streaming World of Warcraft I use a special audio driver to prevent my Skype/Discord conversations from coming into the stream. I use a push to talk key to record my voice while I talk to mumble. OBS works well for this. However, when I switch to Overwatch, I want my default audio device to be picked up by OBS and the PTT key to turn off so my mic is open or sensitivity based. Plugins or not I cannot achieve this leaving me to manually adjust sound settings any time I want to switch to a new scene for a different game.

Right now it looks like you can adjust the Mixer but it is a global thing. If the mixer were to keep a configuration per scene and if the advanced audio peroperties window allowed configuring the PTT key per scene this would be awesome.

API Stream Updating
The plugin called Twitch Switcher allows a user to have the scene determine the twitch Game and Title. This plugin doesn't exist for OBS Studio yet and I for one would love to see a native implementation of these ideas. While creating the stream configuration for a particular service it would be amazing if there was a configuration page there that could manipulate service specific parameters to achieve these API calls from OBS itself.

Once OBS Studio is able to handle multiple simultaneous stream profiles or at the very least multiple saved streaming profiles, these API calls being integrated would be invaluable. This would be a concise place to store API calls for facebook streaming, twitch, and the rest.

These are the things that have been on my wish list for some time now. If I could find another free or paid solution that could handle these things I would have switched by now so I wanted to make OBS aware of the potential features. You all are doing a great job developing this software though. I really like the new designs!