Question / Help OBS says yay, Twitch says nay


New Member
So I just wanted to stream some Wargame, set up my OBS as always and boom.
Twitch says "Loading Video" yet its takes about ~10 seconds then it returns to OFFLINE.
My OBS on the other hand is showing data being uploaded as well as my plug in from rainmeter.

My Question here is, did I miss something ? What did I do wrong ?
Or is it a Bug ?


New Member
The overall forum reply and "Start a Thread" is relatively complicated, I'm making a fool out of myself but damn I just want this stream to work : D


New Member
On a side note, I've granted Firewall allowance for OBS AND deinstalled and reinstalled it with CCleaner.
Also I've waited a day to see if the problem is with Twitch, further I've made a second Twitch account and got the same OFFLINE result


New Member
You geniuses, it actually worked. I never would have thought about that.
Thanks a lot guys, have been working 11hrs a day 6 days a week for 3 months now no time for news there.
Big thumb up for the people here for the quick reaction, saved my first free week there : D