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9-Slice Filter Plugin 2.0.0


New Member
I'm probably not using this correctly/this is outside of the scope of this filter, but how do I set the filter up to preserve the defined edges of this image?

9 point small test.png

I'd like to be able to arbitrarily resize it and use it a frame but preserve the 'Windows' portion without it distorting; right now I'm having to make predefined frames and it's kinda annoying.

As it stands right now, when I when I define the edges, I have to modify the output scale to get the those defined edges to maintain their original size after I scale the image. Help?


New Member
Yep, I see what you're saying. I feel it has to do with how I'm passing the scale into the shader, rather than the size of the texture.

I think it will take some reworking, but the use case you describe seems obviously useful, so I'll see what I can do!


I Would love to use this addon! But it dosnt work. Top, Left, Button And Right Slider are -1 and i cant adjust them. i am on the latest OBS version. Maybe broken then?

Is there a way to get the shader in a shader File? Because i am already using a shader plugin?

Also there seems no Alpha Value? A PNG lost its alpha.


New Member
cmd updated 9-Slice Filter Plugin with a new update entry:

v2.0.0 — Alpha & Composite Scaling

This update fixes an issue where the alpha channel of the source image wasn't being used. This should allow images to remain transparent.

Additionally, thanks to the efforts of yuniruyuni on GitHub, the sliced image should now properly scale if it is used as a component of a scene that's used in another scene.

This release also includes a CI-built version for Ubuntu.

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
Hey, I am not sure how to install this? Do I need to put "sliced.effect" and "/locale" in "/obs-plugins/obs-filters"? Sounds like a great feature, I've wanted 9-slicing for a long time.