3D stinger transition


New Member
Hi everyone ! I made recently a small C++ plug-in to create 3D stinger transitions ! I was largely inspired by the existing codebase and the StreamFX plugin of course, but I thought maybe some of you might be interested... I have a small demo video down below, the framerate isn't great because it has been taken on my development laptop which isn't exactly fit for streaming, but on decent hardware it gives much better result !

No idea if it has been done before by the way, probably I would say...

Currently only a time offset and the path to the video can be adjusted in the properties, and I have no idea how to generalize the concept, but maybe some of you have ideas ?

In its current state, I can release the plugin + source code, and maybe a minimal blender file to create your own video ?

Let me know what you think of this, it was a fun little project for me, but maybe it can help others, at least as a starting point to create your own ?

(P.S. : no questions about the original video, it's a, uh, private joke could it be said...)



New Member
Well, that's quite a positive reaction ! So yes, I could publish this transition as a plugin in its current state, just for me to tidy up the code a bit and create an installer, or whatever I need to do to to get it published. Be advised though that this is experiment software, and that it is quite quirky ! You will still need for instance to set the transition duration to the exact timing of the video... there is still room for improvement.

I have thought about it some more, and I think creating a little blender addon capable of extracting the transform keyframes of a given shape would be the best solution. I don't know yet if it is feasible, but I might give it a try. Maybe some of you have a better idea ?


New Member
Alright, I've setup a plugin resource, waiting for approval now ! It is very bare bones for now, but I hope to improve it in future versions ! I wanted before all to have your feedback on the plugin's concept and implementation, as it's my first take on OBS related development. We'll see how it goes, I hope for the best !

Kind regards, ElDonad