3D Effect

3D Effect 0.1.3

Thanks @Exeldro. Works great!

I noticed that the coordinate settings do not change when repositioning or rotating the source in the source window. Is that intentional?

I like it that you have links to the 3D Effect plugin page and to your website in the filter dialog. However, exeldro.com only shows a white page.


Active Member
@OpenFields Do you expect the settings in the filter to change when you change the position or rotation of the source in the scene? Because that is separate and not related.


New Member
Hello! Great job here, thank you for this alternative of streamFX. Do you plan to make it work alongside with the Move Transition plugin? It would be insane if the "Move Source" filter could deal with the rotation.

Keep it up!


New Member
Hello! I was wondering how the rotations work. Actually, I would like to fit a source to a specific perspective defined by a scene. For instance, I would like to project a back box into the wall of my studio. The problem is, as soon as I rotate the source, very important perspective deformations are applied to the source, making the fitting impossible.

Do you know if what I'm trying to do is even possible considering the current stage of the plugin?

Thank you very much!


Active Member
@Tom1.0 if you want the source to fit a specific space I would advise using a corner pin shader instead of this plugin. It should still be possible with this plugin, but corner pin is easier.


New Member
@Exeldro Thanks a lot for Your MAJOR contributions across the board - You are truly our savior ;)
I've been using 3D Transform from StreamFX for a long time, but unfortunately I use ortographic mode, not perspective :(
This is the last thing that prevents me from getting rid of StreamFX :P
Do You think You would be able to add that functionality to this plugin? I would really appreciate that ;)
Apple M1Max user: filter won't appear, I´ve installed arm64 version, then universal, then arm64 again. Nothing works.


New Member
Great plugin! Is there any way to animate this with the move plugin? I have tried, but it just 'cuts' to the other position instead of moving it.


New Member
Hi Exeldro, I came here to suggest/ask the same question as Hitcom. I would love to be able to animate the effect similar to other plugins. I tried to use it with the move plugin and it did not work. There is any way to make it work, or maybe create some animation settings on the plugin itself? Thanks


Great plugin! Is there any way to animate this with the move plugin? I have tried, but it just 'cuts' to the other position instead of moving it.

It can do exactly what you want.
  • Create a scene and call it what you want. Here i have named it [Trans Livesport]
  • Add an image source to that scene named [LS01]
  • Add filter 3D Effect to LS01. Just leave name 3D Effect
  • ADD filter Move Value to LS01 named [Scale Start] with Filter = 3D Effect, Move Value Type = Settings, Rotation z = -180 and Scale x and y = 0
  • Add filter Move Value to LS01 named [Scale 100] with filter and value type as above, Rotation z = 0, Scale x and y = 100
  • Add filter Move Value to LS01 named [Scale 0] same filter and value, Rotation z = 180, Scale x and y = 0

This get image to scale from 0 to 100%, with rotation from 0 to 180 deg, and back to 0 % while rotating from 180 to 0. (Rotating 360 deg total)

  • Add filter Move Action to scene [Trans Livesport] named [Show Logo] with action = Filter Enable, Source = [LS01], Filter = [Scale 100], no easing
  • Add filter Move Action named [Hide logo] with action = Filter Enable, Source = [LS01], Filter = [Scale 0], no easing
  • Add filter Move Action named [Reset logo] with action = Filter Enable, Source = [LS01], Filter = [Scale Start], no easing, Start Delay = 500ms

Now bind them together
In filter [Show logo], choose [Hide logo] in Next Move
In filter [Hide logo], choose [Reset logo] in Next Move

Try enable filter [Show logo] and it will animate.
Enable it in several ways or use it with the plugin Scene As Transition
