Question / Help 32 or 64...


So I just heard about this program as an alternative to others.

I read in the guide that you "should be" using the 64 bit version to stream, yet when I go to try and add a source (after first it telling me I needed to run it in admin mod, sigh), it tells me I need to run the games in the 32 bit version. this / can this / be changed in the future?

edit: I am noticing that this lacks the functions of Xsplit in regards to scrolling titles, adding sound files, etc. What are the plans for these?


32-bit game - 32-bit OBS, 64-bit game - 64-bit OBS. That applies to GameCapture. You can always use Software Capture but it's slow. There isn't much difference between these two version so it shouldn't make a big difference which you use. You can do scrolling text, just increase the Scrolling Speed in your text properties. Audio and video files as sources are planned. See the this: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=20


Town drunk
As a note, being able to capture 64bit games with 32bit OBS is planned to be in "soonishly"