Question / Help 32-bit or 64-bit version? Which one should I use?


New Member
Title says it all. Or should I upgrade to OBS Studio? But then do I use the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Studio?

Compooter Speks:
Windows 10 Anniversary
i7 6700k overclocked to 4.6 GHz
32GB DDR4 3000 MHz
MSI GTX 980 ti Golden Edition with a slight overclock
I like to stream to Twitch at 720p 30fps. When not streaming, I record gameplay at my native 1440p and 60 fps.
Don't want to pay $400 for a decent video editor (Sony Vegas *cough*) so I will be experimenting with GoPro Studio in the near future.
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Active Member
Whichever one works. There is no performance reason to use 64-bit over 32-bit, and you actually have worse capture hardware compatibility with 64-bit.

And definitely go with Studio.


New Member
Whichever one works. There is no performance reason to use 64-bit over 32-bit, and you actually have worse capture hardware compatibility with 64-bit.

And definitely go with Studio.

Even though the 64-bit version can access the full amount of RAM I have? And what benefit will Studio give me? I've been using Classic for streaming and Studio for recording but I tend to get some frequent frame stutters with Studio even when I lower the recording quality. I am currently using the 32-bit version of both Classic and Studio.


New Member
Ok, thanks for the info. Do you know of any good tutorials for people switching from Classic to Studio? The community has tons of materials for Classic which are really helpful when setting it up for first-time users but Studio doesn't really have the same amount or quality of guides or YouTube videos. That's why I stream with Classic and only record with Studio, which I'm having issues with as I mentioned earlier. I just followed the path of least resistance when it came to streaming. I will definitely look into the post-production link you provided though.