Question / Help 2MB Upload Mid End PC Settings


Hello everyone, after over 2 or 3 month testing various settings and streaming programs I think I finaly reached the maximum quality I can get with my mid end pc while streaming to Twitch and I would like to share it with you guys.

First of all, here's my ISP conection speed:


My PC Specs:

CPU: i5-3470 3.2GHz
GPU: ASUS GTX 650 TI Boost DirectCU II OC 2GB
Memory: Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2x4GB)
Mobo: ASRock Z77 Extreme 3

My current monitor resolution is 1440x900 but to make the quality tests I put all my games on 720p and downscale it to 1.25 on OBS.

I'll get a FullHD monitor this week and will start testing with 1080p dowscaling to 720p

This is my OBS Settings:


You can try change the Max bitrate to 1900 if you have low latency to servers.

I live in Brazil and don't get good latency as you can guys can see:



Minimize Network Impact for me is a must have because of the high latency I get.


Downscale is a must have too since the Filter helps to get rid of the pixelations, not all of it, but 80% of it.


Got a nem FullHD Monitor, so now I'm using 1080p downscale to 720p.


I changed the Scene Buffer back to 700ms as Sapiens told me to do it.

Process Priotiry Class at Above Normal or sometimes, if your PC can handle it, at HIGH depending on the game you'r playing.

Custom x264 Encoder Settings.


The other settings I got it after doing some research about x264 encoding process. These settings help with the pixelation problem, so, you got the filter and these settings to help out minimize it.

The Network settings is a must have for me, together with the Minimize Network Impact make it keep my ping normal. But only use this as last resort.

You can check my stream quality here:

I'm aways testing new settings and I'll keep it all recorded on my account, so you guys can check it later.

Hope these settings can help you guys.
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Forum Moderator
As usual for threads like this I find your custom x264 params somewhat questionable. OpenCL does not help maintain quality, it just offloads lookahead work to your GPU. It also has a tendency to be somewhat unstable. Your partitions and subme values are both from the superfast preset, trellis and ref are manually set to the same values they would have already used, and me is pushed all the way to the slow preset's value. Your scene buffering time is not at the default (and recommended) value of 700, which can cause audio issues for some users. Using a custom vbv-bufsize is also generally not something we advise especially with vbv-maxrate set so close to your maximum upload speed, but if you aren't dropping frames because of it then I suppose it doesn't really hurt.

If you're happy with the quality you get with your settings then that's great, but they aren't something I would recommend to other users, especially since you don't seem to have bothered with SSIM testing to get real numbers for comparison.


I'm just a n00b trying to help other n00bs.

This is the best quality stream I reached so far. I don't get frame drops while playing and the stream FPS is good.

Unfortunatly, at this time, I don't have much spare time to make more in depth research about x264 encoding and don't have the money to upgrade my PC or get a new one to make a 2 PC stream system.

And I didn't find any n00b friendly tutorials about how x264 works, but I was able the see that with these custom settings the quality of my stream got better.

Would you care to tell me what a "SSIM" test is?