2d compatible 3d options.

In theory I could broadcast in 32 by 9 side by side proper ratio 3D.

And from that exact picture I could extract three different views, a left eye which is the left half of the screen, a right eye which is the right half of the screen, a black and white monochrome red and cyan anaglyph picture, and a side by side half 16x9 for 3D TVs.

If I put it on either YouTube or twitch as a 32x9 I can watch it through 3D goggles in 3D.

The problem is that twitch has no options to convert 32x9 into any of those other formats even though I know how to program those other formats. YouTube has some ancient ways of dealing with 3D but it's kind of hard to add new broadcasts to that list.

I know there are some external programs which let you multi-stream and do a couple other things so maybe there's a way you could poke out one of the two eyes or dechrome it or swuish

The easiest thing to do would be have a server side OBS that "watches" a broadcast and converts to 32 by 9 full into 16x9 left eye, right eye, side by side half, or monochromised anaglyph. And still let you talk to the human online whose broadcasting and Twitch.

By the way I have easily 50 megs of bandwidth outbound and I always set myself up for 2560 by 720 when I do this so that it makes two perfectly good 1280x720 pictures in all four formats.

I have the video editing skills to do it just by hunting and pecking and trying stuff. Now I'm just looking for an auto convert program that automatically converts that by running server side obs that puts a twitch window of a broadcast in a predetermined format.