28.0.3 on M1, but OBS still using Rosetta?


New Member
Hey all.

So I was checking the logs (troubleshooting a plugin) when I noticed the following entry during OBS's startup procedure:

Rosetta translation used: true

Does this mean my OBS is still running on Rosetta? If so, how can I fix this? I'm also getting choppy recordings when running 2 OBS instances using the "Apple VT H264 Hardware Encoder" and I'm wondering if might be related.



New Member
OK, so I confirmed OBS is running using Rosetta by going to Activity Monitor > CPU and seeing that it's listed as "Intel".

The question now is why and how do I make it so that it run natively?


New Member
Someone on GitHub made me aware that merely updating from pre-28 OBS to 28+ does not automatically convert the instalation to ARM. It must be uninstalled, downloaded, and reinstalled using the ARM64 installer. Case closed.