Question / Help 1680x1050 720p black borders help


New Member
Why do I get black borders on the top and bottom (as well as left and right) when I force a resolution of 720p? (In full screen mode)

Arent I supposed to get black borders on the sides only?


New Member
1680x1050 is a 16:10 ratio and 720p is a 16:9 ratio, so you will get black borders unless you stretch the source.

You could stream at 1280×800 to make the output 16:10 or you could stretch the source to the screen in the Game Capture properties (will probably look bad!).


Active Member
You may need to hit the 'edit scene' button and resize your scene elements.
Also be aware that Twitch *expects* a 16:9 stream, and will letterbox it if you hand over anything else.
It's an option to set 1920x1080 in the 'custom' section of OBS, and scale/move your elements around... won't eliminate the letterboxing, but it will give you control over it and allow you to push the game to one side (making room for an onscreen chatbox and/or webcam) or overlay a frame graphic to fill in the empty space with content.

You CAN use 'shift' to enable non-ratio resizing, but this isn't recommended... it tends to look pretty bad, in the end.


Community Helper
It will letterbox in the normal player window, but if the viewer's resolution matches the streamer's then fullscreening the video will actually take up the full screen for the viewer without a double letterbox, for what it's worth.

If you are getting black bars on the top and bottom as well as the sides, make sure your sources are as large as they can be. You can select your source and press Ctrl+F to make it fill as much of the scene as it can. If it's a game capture, check the Stretch image to screen option.