Question / Help 1440p Streaming?


New Member
Hello. I am a new streamer trying things out. I have looked through the guides and set my preferences the best I could however I still see lag when watching videos of my stream. During the stream I don't experience it, however on video (when I am playing a game only) it is slight and noticeable.

I am trying to stream at 2560x1440.

System specs
2600k@ 4.5GHz
16GB 2400Mhz Ram
GTX 690

My DL speed as of 10 seconds ago on this connection is 94mb/s down, with an upload of 25mb/s.

Any tips? What might I do?


Community Helper
Please post your log file.

Also, streaming at that resolution is kind of absurdly huge...


Why do you want to stream in 2560x1440? The vast majority of the viewers aren't on 2560x1440- or 2560x1600 screens, not to mention the bandwidth needed when streaming at such high resolutions (to make it viewable, not so pixelated). Recording at such high resolution is fine I guess, but uh, for streaming? idk man


Town drunk
It's also going to be hugely stressful on your system (that is actually quite a bit more data to process than 1920x1080) and you're not really able to make use of your 690 here (SLI and streaming don't mix super awesome). Then there is the issue of Flash Player a lot of times struggling with a mere 1080p stream. It's really very much recommended that you downscale a bit.