14.04 segfaulting using preferred ffmpeg PPA


New Member
After receiving a lot of SegFaults and core dumped from OBS withing 30s to 1min, I tried to run ffmpeg directly from terminal but with same side effects.

Then I've changed the ppa and magically everything is working now for like 1 hour !!! I'm so happy :) Now I can stream my code sessions at CodersTV.com

This is what I've done:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg

Hope it works for everyone that has same issues! :)
did you use ppa-purge to remove the jon severenson ppa? if not, then it left everything else installed besides you probably just removed or updated ffmpeg to this new ppa version. you most likely still have the core libraries installed from the jon severenson ppa cause I notice those libraries aren't provided by the new ppa you choose to use.

either way, glad you got it working. i have no issues using the regular or even the unstable ppa myself within xubuntu 14.04
you state in this thread title you know why a normal install from normal ppa segfaults but i don't see any explaination of why you were getting segfaults. your title is misleading and we don't want to scare away users from using the normal preferred ppa for obs-studio and ffmpeg