Question / Help 1200P+ Quality. Help lower please!


New Member
Hello all! Im new to this forum and I am humbled to ask for your help..

Well, I recently got the newest update. I have not updated my OBS for the longest time and my concern is that... Everytime I stream now, my friends were telling me the quality is at 1200P? . Currently my monitor stands at 1920x1200.

Before I updated I never had the issue of having a stream being choppy. Should I uninstall this and install and older version? How can i fix this? I tried putting my quality at 1920x1080 and a portion of my stream is cut...

Well, this is my stream that was recorded this morning.


Unless you're willing to stretch the picture you can just stream at that resolution (1200p) and lower the fps to 30 or 25 instead. or you can downscale to a lower resolution and keep the 60fps . streaming 1200p or 1080p at 60fps does not go super well for the viewers on flash player.


Community Helper
You can downscale your game in the Video tab to a more reasonable resolution, such as 1200x800.