Question / Help 10+ second delay on stream?


New Member
So when I watch my live stream from a separate PC there seems to be any where from 10 to 15 seconds of delay. Is this common?


Community Helper
It's not uncommon. The latest test version might reduce your delay by a few seconds.


New Member
Yup thats the version I am using. I just want to make sure everything is working the way its suppose to. I get kind of anal trying to make sure everything is working right.


New Member
Another factor could be the server you are streaming too. Twitch varies with their server response time, all of them are not created equal, and can increase the broadcast time to view time if you choose a non-optimal one.

You didn't mention which service you were using, so use the Twitch service as an example to your situation.


The global load balancing might be the cause of having a long delay. What it does is randomly pick a server to stream to, which could be far away from where you're streaming. Choose a server that is closest to you in OBS. If the closest server is Frankfurt then choose Amsterdam or London instead. This should probably reduce the delay a little bit.