Bug Report .047a Game Capture performance worse than .466a


New Member
I'm streaming 720p at 30 fps now while playing at like 40-60 when before I was at 720p 60 fps at 60-100 fps

the difference is a little bit unbelievable


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the game capture code did not change at all between those two versions, just so you know.


New Member
I would also agree with this statement. Even my stream quality live would suffer. Took me the greater part of this last week to figure it out.


New Member
Since v.466a seems to be more stable, see if the Low Latency Mode (in Broadcast Setting of v.47a )is turned off. With low latency mode on, I noticed getting a flash of yellow every 10 seconds or so on the green bar(bottom of OBS window) when I streaming. The viewers said my stream was lagging, but then it's fine after turning it off. I've forgotten its been known to drop frames, read it about it on the forums.

Dunno if Low Latency is on by default but I believe that's why people say v.466a works, since Low Latency Mode isn't in that version. There could be other things at hand, (x264 profile levels+cpu capabilities added in the log) but this is the only thing I can notice based on performance.


New Member
Maybe there should be some tip or comment pop up box to let the user know. Cause some people may just have it on and unaware of what it can do to the stream if their ping isn't good enough.

Either way, trying to figure out any other differences between v.466a VS v.47a. and why people downgraded v.466a to have success.