Question / Help 0.50 beta - latest x264 clarification


New Member
In the 0.50 beta changelog it states:

* Updated x264 to the latest branch

Does this mean we can use the -opencl argument for opencl lookahead? I could see that being useful for some games that don't hit the video card very hard or for window capture.


New Member
Thanks for the reply!

OpenCL commits have been showing up at for the past month or so. I've found with these builds I can gain a modest 5 fps increase in 1920x1080 encoding so I've been watching for it to show up in OBS at some point.

Do you by chance know what source OBS uses for its x264 libraries?


Town drunk
I don't, sorry.

We experimented with the OpenCL branch a bit before, and it definitely has promise, especially if you have a decent second GPU to offload the OpenCL stuff to. Once it's stable and in the main branch, I'm sure it will be added.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I tested a version of the opencl branch about 2-3 months back, gave about %8 speed increase. Not bad, but not really huge.