♦Request♦ Stream Privacy


New Member
r1ch has really great program {Stream Privacy} found here - http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmes ... _id=225200
StreamPrivacy is a simple program that hides windows from screen capture programs by making them layered windows. Useful if you stream your desktop and don't want certain things appearing on stream.

Was wondering if the feature has been included already if not it would be a great addition to include.
However there would be issues with windows 8 users because we are unable currently to disable aero easily.


Town drunk
Using Window Capture with Aero enabled already does this. Game Capture also only captures the game you are playing. If you are using Monitor Capture, then under the Monitor Capture properties, make sure "Capture Layered Windows" is unchecked. Then you can use the stream privacy tool as normal I think, because what that does is just make everything on the list a layered window. Note this will impact performance, some.