♠Windows 8 User Feedback♠


New Member
Review: I've been a pretty huge fanboy of xsplit until I was referred to the obsproject. I've been watching steven bonell's stream for around two years and after seeing the advert image slideshow he has that is of two different images I decided to see what exactly obs was. As someone who is always interested in software I decided to download obs and give it a shot. At default settings without any modifications other then my bitrate which is determined by user i was completely in love with the software when in comparison to the clunky xsplit . I was impressed by the simplicity of the software and how well designed obs was. It wasn't a software that took ages to cold boot and immediately responded to every action on the user end with no hang time. At my current state and with all the advanced settings that you can modify and how much the user is able to configure when in compassion to xsplit a pay to play software it's almost sad to watch the two compete. Here you have obs software that is given to a community mostly of gamers with varying computers. All of which are capable of streaming at a decent quality. With barely any software on the market obs is hands down the top streaming software. As someone who hopes to be an obs headstrong user please keep up the great work and make the rest of the obs users proud to be using your software. - Chowder :lol:

Proof of concept: I typically stream garry'smod which is a very unstable game in terms of streaming/recording with either frap or xsplit, my first run-time with obs proved that my theory of being the best software was when i noticed no change in the framerate in-game where as other software chunked my gaming performance making gaming almost impossible

SystemSpecs: Operating System
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro 64-bit
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 46 °C (While streaming and playing garrysmod and having a few apps active)
Thuban 45nm Technology
SM2333T (1920x1080@60Hz)
SM2333T (1920x1080@60Hz)
AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series (MSI) 52 °C (While streaming and playing garrysmod and having a few apps active)
4.00 GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 688MHz (9-9-9-24)


New Member
Coming from xsplit and ffsplit. I must say, streaming with those required me to sacrifice either stream quality or in-game fps which both have significant effect to my gameplay and/or viewer on this phenom II x4 3.2GHz processor. Watching destiny stream and notice his sign same as you Chowder™, brought me here. Fire obs for the first time with 720p 30fps, get into my C9 game and my first impression was, "am I really streaming?". I did some minor streaming long back during adobe flash media encoder + virtual audio cable season and move to xsplit soon after but nothing close to OBS.

TLDR: Saw destiny sign ads, went here. Test obs. Surprised with the jaw dropping, mind blowing, roflmao, *insert droll gif here* result. became obs fan boy.

Sorry for my bad engurishu. Not my native


New Member
ive been messing with OBS for about a week and so far no real problems. Love that I can use my 1080p Webcam.

One thing I would love to see is the ability to see a grid or the lines you see on monitors that film makers and tv studios use (forget the name) I think its a safe/action zone.


Forum Moderator
pokepontif said:
One thing I would love to see is the ability to see a grid or the lines you see on monitors that film makers and tv studios use (forget the name) I think its a safe/action zone.

Your viewers watch on overscanned TV displays?