
  1. Tamago4a

    A small bug report and a request for suggestions. The thread is related to sound.

    1. It would be cool to be able to record video from the screen with a wav audio track. Because AAC records sound with compression, that is, with losses. And FLAC is not supported in adobe premiere pro. Yes, I know that basically Adobe is the problem, because FLAC is the de facto standard, but...
  2. S

    Recording Screen Video with WAV-audio (Lossless quality)

    My goal is to record Screen Video with the best possible audio quality (WAV, FLAC). Video quality doesn't have to be 4k (1080p is working for me). So I tried to change my recording settings from mp4 to MOV with help of this YT-video. But when pushing the recording button, a video codec error...
  3. shijoy


    Presently recording in OBS captures screen and audio simultaneously. The volume of the file is bigger, as this also captures, screen, camera, image etc. It is difficult to EXTRACT AUDIO from the video file from the recorder. Extracting audio is a time consuming process Please therefore add an...
  4. C

    Bug Report Need Help Custom Output (ffmpeg)? Maybe bug?

    I want to use OBS Studio ver. 24.0.3 to record only audio in wav format. The problem is when I record, and then I press the stop button and it turns to stopping record. And, then I press it again. I always get left with 78 byte wav file that contains no audio. Heres my settings: Here's the...
  5. Igor Bochkariov

    Audio Writer Filter 1.1

    Use cases You stream something with Noise gate and Compressor filters but you want to keep the original audio for postproduction with better quality tools Usage Download a zip from https://github.com/ujifgc/obs-audio-writer-filter/releases Unpack it to your OBS folder (may require privileges)...