
  1. S

    OBS Virtual Camera not showing/Failed to start solution

    I did have to go to a wild ride to solve this, every post/person/guide that tries to help solving did not help me fix it, at the end i managed, although i am not certain what the root of all the problems was. I asked gpt to make a step by step of what worked for me at least if it can help...
  2. P

    OBS streaming UDP to ffmpeg to v4l2-loopback?

    I asked the same question in the ffmpeg-users mailing list and I feel that any answers may be equally useful here in the OBS forum. I have configured OBS on a workstation to send a UDP stream to udp://laptop:55555 I can receive the stream with an ffplay command like this: ffplay -fflags...
  3. ramifaso

    Virtual Camera (v4l2loopback) on Ubuntu 20.04 VM: installation failure

    Log: https://obsproject.com/logs/9QuPtSaZxfnjncVj Hello! I've installed the v4l2loopback module as instructed using `sudo apt -y install v4l2loopback-dkms v4l2loopback-utils linux-modules-extra-$(uname -r)` (from this link) to set up OBS' virtual camera. I've also run the `sudo modprobe...
  4. F

    Virtual camera format/color problems

    I just upgraded to OBS 26.1 on arch linux, and would like to use the virtual camera feature. Previously, I was using obs-v4l2sink without issue, and it still seems to work. When I disable the v4l2sink extension and start a virtual camera, it sort of works, in that it does feed something to the...