
  1. F

    Help with recent Mint installation

    Hey guys! I'm kind of newbie in Linux and OBS and need some help here. I use to run OBS normally on my ZORIN but had to re-install the OS on my notebook and decided for MINT this time. All working good, used the software manager to install OBS (not the Flatpak version, the DEB one), opened...
  2. K

    Problem with OBS: Red Border Doesn't Match the Source

    Hi everyone, I'm having an issue with OBS. The red border (the one used to resize or move a source) doesn't align with the source image. Specifically, the red border is shifted to the right of the image. Has anyone experienced this problem? Thanks in advance!
  3. C

    Screen source missing on both arch official package and flatpak version

    I've opened obs to day and realized my screen capture sources were just gone. I've tried both available versions I'm on Arch Linux 6.12.1-arch1-1 with kde plasma 6.2.4 and using Wayland I got these xdg-desktop packages installed $ paru -Qs xdg-desktop local/xdg-desktop-portal 1.18.4-2...
  4. hanatyan

    Semi-free SRC-Link Plugin - The Remoting Solution for OBS 0.7.2

    The basic concept of the OBS Studio plug-in SRC-Link (Secure Reliable Controllable Link) is to turn OBS into a powerful video transmitter and receiver. OBS Studio offers a wide variety of inputs. There is an excellent game capture feature (unfortunately there is a little compatibility issue in...
  5. L

    Time or Clock Overlay

    Hello everyone, i created this thread just for reminder to myself and sharing to you! I found how to make date time or clock overlay throught Browser Sources Just visit this website, and choose overlay you like
  6. S

    Browser Links cause high CPU Usage (30%+)

    Hey there, having a weird problem, been using OBS for years now and it always worked fine, now its a weird situation which i still cant find a fix that works permanently. I used to have some Browser links such as Follower overlay etc. and they always seem to work great with low CPU usage (0.4%...
  7. D

    Game capture messed up

    I am using OBS and all of the sudden my game capture disappeared it has its view enabled and it is connected to a game. As you can see in the pictures window capture is working but game capture is not, game capture when selected doesnt even have an option to move around. What do I do?
  8. dom1orii

    Game is "Lagging" when using Screen Capture (XSHM)

    I wanna use replay buffer in OBS and capture whole screen with it using Screen Capture (XSHM). But in games that use 99% GPU (for example CS2) my game starts lagging but i get no fps drops. I noticed that if i set fps limit so game doesn't use 99% GPU it stops lagging, so its obviously problem...
  9. Vclceaglesfly

    Using 2 cameras from EOS webcam utility pro

    I am trying to use 2 different canon cameras in OBS. I use the Canon EOS webcam utility pro app and have a subscription to use multiple cameras and scenes and name each one. However, in OBS when choosing a video capture device it does not give me more than one option from Utility Pro like some...
  10. blackeye

    OBS Python Reset and overwrite source setting values 1

    This OBS-Script can reset and overwrite values of a source. This can be done via a json file which contains the values for the update. But I can edit the values in the source setting and save them? Why Do I need a script for that? Thats right, but sometimes there are cases, where you need to...
  11. S

    No browser source

    hello, I have just installed the latest version of OBS 30.1.2-1 on the EndeavourOS Kernel: Linux 6.9.5-arch1-1. Everything seemed to work fine, but I don't actually have the browser in the sources. How is this possible? Thanks
  12. C

    game capture hd60 pro video #1 vs. Game Capture HD60 Pro

    Hello, folks! I'm having issues with the sources with my scenes. When I load up OBS, it defaults to "game capture hd60 pro video #1", which does not work. However, when I click "default", OBS switches the source to Game Capture HD60 Pro, which does work. My question is this: is there a way to...
  13. FiniteSingularity

    Noise 1.0.0

    An animated fractal noise generation and displacement plugin for OBS. Introduction The Noise Plugin for OBS provides fractal noise sources and displacement filters for generating real-time special effects in OBS. The Noise Plugin provides a source for generating dynamic and user tunable...
  14. D

    Get Camera Resolution from API

    I'm relatively new to C++ and OBS plugin development and I've recently inherited a project from someone who has moved on. Currently, I'm working on a plugin that automatically sets up scenes in OBS for multiple connected cameras. The goal is to have a button in the plugin that configures scenes...
  15. S

    When my main preview window game source is causing my head to b faded in with the same source window

    Hi everyone, i previously posted a forum on this topic a while ago and whenever i choose a game under sources my upper body and head seem to fade away with the main preview window of obs. I had this problem before and it just doesnt look right that way. I have tried to make a smaller window...
  16. A

    Automated Scene File Setup/Manipulation

    Apologies in advance if something like this has been addressed in another thread, I just couldn't find anything like what we are trying to achieve! I am part of a team that is looking to utilize OBS as a recording utility to automatically capture a simulation software, the software in question...
  17. S

    Close "sources" window

    I'd rather not have this popup on the window for the rest of time, so how do I close it?
  18. Arleen Lasleur

    Non-OBS Script AIMP Track monitor 0.1

    AutoHotkey installation required. You may compile script using AHK2EXE. How to use: 1. Launch. 2. Capture window titled AIMPTRKMON Goofs: - only works when AIMP window is not minimized (if it goes away, last known track name is displayed for 45 seconds). You can change viewers hint at line 23...
  19. Rumdel

    Notification about missing file in playlist

    Hello everyone! I have VLC source in my scene. It contains the playlist: d:\video1.ts d:\video2.ts d:\video3.ts but on drive D there are only video1.ts and video3.ts files And when it comes to video2.ts, the stream freezes. Is it possible to make the missing file highlighted in the playlist...
  20. 2

    I'm curious how to get it as an image source to OBS with RTMP transmission from action cam

    I want to get the video straight to the OBS source via RTMP transmission on the action cam 1. How should I type into RTMP address in action cam? 2. How do I set it up on OBS? They say you can use VLC, but I even added a VLC video source from OBS, but I don't know how to enter the RTMP...