sound tracks

  1. r4v3_b0yy

    Severe recording/streaming lags

    Hello. I am facing the problem of severe lags when recording\stream, my hardware is not the weakest, but obs VERY bad lags, and gives 2fps even on the record. I do not know what the problem is, after version 27.2.4 - OBS started to lag VERY badly, although I do not use any plugins or add-ons...
  2. zgredzio10

    2 track record how to do this. help

    witam mam problem z zapisaniem pliku gry na dwóch ścieżkach. Chciałbym, aby dźwięk z gry i dźwięk z mikrofonu były zapisywane w osobnych ścieżkach. Niezależnie od konfiguracji (tj. 1 ścieżka - mikrofon i druga ścieżka - komputer), za każdym razem działa tylko 1 ścieżka. Proszę pomóż.
  3. P

    Adobe Premiere Audio Track Issues

    Hello! I've made multiple sound tracks on OBS (4 to be exact) and when I drag them into Premiere Pro only 3 shows up and usually 1 or 2 don't work (I'm also using VoiceMeeter). I've done some research such as making the file a .MKV and then remuxing it to a .MP4 and I've done that and nothing...