
  1. AmagiSakuya

    Capture 4K video lag through OBS Webcam

    I suspect that this issue is caused by the video renderer. When I open the webcam capture in PotPlayer and set the renderer to Direct3D 11, I experience stuttering just like in OBS. However, if I use Direct3D 9 or other video renderers in PotPlayer, the video becomes very smooth, and the latency...
  2. I

    How can i devide scene rendering between diffirent GPUs?

    I have 2x GTX 690 units in my video server. I have alredy configured my setup to encode multiple copyes of OBS (different streams on different GPUs with NVENC, but i need to spread scene rendering load also, so i can have more room to handle more simultaneous streams. I saw an option in...
  3. Nephil

    Black Screen / Game Capture don't working [A thread with every solution i found (Windows 7)]

    So, what title say. Currently i've tried a lot from 3 months to fix mine, and it's something that i never seen someone say on helping. - Compatilibity mode (Windows 7 or Windows XP Service Pack 3) - Launch as administrator - Reinstall graphic drivers - Check scenes and gamecapture - Fullscreen...