overread 8

  1. J

    I would like to ask for your help with EOI Warning and Overread Error.

    Hello everyone, just running the OBS program causes Warning, Error logs. Also, I'm worried that it won't stop during the broadcast and keep logging, so it won't be a problem with streaming. I'm sharing that log below, so I'd really appreciate it if you could let me know how to fix it. [log]...
  2. YouLousyKids

    "Overread 8" error causes sound to cut out, stream lag/freeze.

    Hi. I need to fix this because it has been going on for the last five days of my stream, requiring me to stop streaming, restart OBS (or even reboot the laptop and then restart) and then resume my stream. I've had to do this an average of seven times in the two-hour streams for the last week...