key combos

  1. mula

    Free Keyviz v1.0.6

    Keyviz Keyviz is a free and open-source software to visualize your ⌨️ keystrokes in real time! Let your audience know what handy shortcuts/keys you're pressing during screencasts, presentations, collaborations, or whenever you need it. Style Don't restrain yourself to just black & white...
  2. theMuzzl3

    Suggestions From An OBS Noob

    Heya, I am David Pixley theMuzzl3. Here are (some) of my recent ideas. I'll have more, later. I encourage others to reply with further suggestions, based on what I've started. I must say: I'm hopeful that the REAPER dev's & OBS dev's (or dev?) continue to work together, and grow the...