fps problems

  1. K

    OBS Nintendo Switch low fps record

    Greetings I am seeing the following problem: I'm recording video from the Nintendo Switch, and the recording shows that the FPS is much lower than on the console (I assume that 30 fps). What could be the problem? Link to video example...
  2. Z

    CPU and GPU Max 60% usage but the from OBS recorded Video Laggs

    Hello, My Pc has a 1060 6GB and an I7 6700K with 32GB RAM and i cant record Videos without laggs with OBS. (I want to record Valorant) Im Saving my Videos on a SSD and the settings for the Encoder are: NVIDIA NVENC H.264(new) CQP CQ-lvl: 5 Keyframe: 2 Quality high Lookahead: x Psycho Visual...
  3. cobbrra

    Question / Help OBS low FPS output problem

    I started streaming about 1 year ago and everything was fine then about 1 month ago I bought a 144Hz screen. After that in all of my streams my FPS felt like it was 45 - 50ish but there are no dropped frames, no encoding lag, nothing. I checked my GPU, CPU, RAM usages and there are no problems...
  4. M

    Question / Help Ingame fps problem

    I have a problem with my fps Ingame. I found similar threads from years ago but with no fix for the problem. Normally my PC manages to run R6 ( i mainly play Rainbow6) on stable 144fps on ultra high with a running 720p Stream on Twitch but since 2 Weeks or so i get only an average of...
  5. V

    Question / Help Obs Dropt Übertragene Frames Bitte Um Hilfe! [ Obs Drops Transmitted Fps ]

    I fixed it Set your ingame Fps at 60 (locked ) than it will work
  6. J

    Question / Help New GPU - Frame Drops on OBS/Game runs fine.

    Hello! first time forum posting here so apologies if i do this wrong. I have recently upgraded my GPU from an AMD RX290 to a Gigabyte 1080 turbo. the problem i am having is, when showing desktop or full screen camera in OBS i have 30/60fps no problem. when i am in a game, OBS frame rate drops...