
  1. S

    OBS American Football Scoreboard 1.1

    I created a Football Scoreboard App for our network to have an OBS Scoreboard because Scoreboard+ wasn't cutting it for the sports I need it for. This software is similar to Scoreboard+, all elements such as Score, Downs and Distance, Quarter, and Clock are outputted to TXT files. Right now...
  2. KevinZheng

    Free Football Scoreboard 2021-11-25

    Scoreboard that is built on python and has a live display so you can bring it into OBS with window Capture. Step 1: Download the main repository from Football-Scoreboard and extract it. Step 2: If you're on Windows install python either from or the Microsoft...
  3. R

    Free American Football Scoreboard for Windows

    An application for managing text files for displaying scoreboard values for American Football. The values of the text files can be shown in OBS as text sources.