
  1. S

    Free OBS Scene Timer v2.0.2

    If you use OBS 28 or higher with the build-in websocket (v5), you should use the newest release of OBS Scene Timer (v2.0.0 and higher). If you use an older version of OBS with websocket v4, you should use an older version of OBS Scene Timer (v1.7.1 or lower). If you want to use OBS 28 or higher...
  2. S

    Question / Help How to record audio in to one single clip, not individually

    Sorry if this is a dumb question. I'm trying to record a DJ mix (just audio) and its most likely going to be at least 20 minutes or so. But every time I record it and go back to listen to it, the entire mix is separated into different clips. How can I make it save as one file? Thanks. also...