davinci resolve

  1. S

    Hardware encoding work around for Davinci's lack of H.26x support

    Hello, Apparently Davinci Resolve on linux has no support for H.264 nor does for H.265. I'm looking for a solution to record my videos in a format that supports hardware acceleration on linux on a RX 7900 TX card. My video recordings are fairly large so working with them without hardware...
  2. G

    DaVinci Resolve Theme 3.0

    Default Yami OBS theme, recolored with DaVinci Resolve colors. INSTALLATION: 1. Extract to ***\obs-studio\data\obs-studio\themes 2. Settings > General > DaVinci Resolve
  3. W

    Audio Processing Issues Specifically With Davinci Resolve

    I have been having some issues processing OBS recordings with Davinci Resolve specifically. When I upload media to Davinci Resolve the audio waveforms don't show until about 20 seconds into the clip and the audio is kind of messed up. I have Remuxed it to mp4 and mov files but nothing seems to...