cropped gameplay

  1. Elia1995

    Video source cropped only on OBS, but looks fine on passthrough

    Hello, a friend of mine just gifted me an OSSC video converter/upscaler for my birthday to use on OBS for videos and twitch streams of retro consoles and PCs. I'm using a Razer Ripsaw HD capture card, and I'm having a weird issue with this setup, but I'll get there gradually. I connected my PS2...
  2. WasabiHC

    Question / Help Why do OBS does this exactly? The game is cropped, but on my monitor it's full screen, also the game runs at 1600x900 beacuse that's the highest resolution you can set. Do you guys know what could be the problem? If this helps i have a laptop so in order to stream i use monitor capture...