color space

  1. 1L1dan

    Incorrect colors in OBS output AverMedia Live Gamer 4K

    I have a 2 PC setup and use AverMedia Live Gamer 4K capture card to duplicate screen image from my gaming PC and everything was fine, but today something changed(and I didn't touch anything in OBS or anywhere else, so I'm confused) and the colors on stream seems to display incorrect. What...
  2. M

    Use "Apply alpha in linear space" to Browser source

    Items with semi-transparent background (especially light/vibrant colors) look grayish. Images with same features looks like that as well before applyng setting "Apply alpha in linear space". Is there ANY WAY so get the same effect for a browser source? I tried to look for solution on browser...
  3. K

    color space, p010

    You can specify the color space in the properties of the source item. What does this item (color space) mean? For example, if Rec.2100(PQ) is specified, will the video data imported by UVC be Rec.2100(PQ)? Or does OBS convert the video imported in 709 to Rec.2100 (PQ) and output it?