apollo twin

  1. D

    OBS keeps kicking off my audio input capture mid stream and I don’t know how to enable it back on

    So my audio input capture is coming in through my XLR microphone (plugged in via an interface) and I can see the active input through the meter. Everytime I start the stream, 5 minutes in it stops and I can’t enable it back on without restarting OBS. How can I fix this? Troubleshooting I...
  2. R

    Question / Help Using UAD Appllo Twin USB and Protools 12

    So my goal is to facebook stream live me mixing tunes in one of my faccebook groups. I would like to be able to talk while the mix is playing and go back and forth between my web cam. I followed the instructions in this youtube video https://youtu.be/wMQsZokWAcQ I added my ASIO and had my mic...