Yami Acri Resized is a version of the Yami Resized theme from @Monsteer. Made for people who need more space or have a 1080p resolution or smaller.
Original Theme: https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/yami-resized.1611/
How to install
Requires v30.2 or higher.
1. Unpack files into your OBS Studio Theme Folder (...\obs-studio\data\obs-studio\themes).
2. Restart OBS Studio.
3. Go to Settings > Appearance and select the style Arci Resized
Original Theme: https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/yami-resized.1611/
How to install
Requires v30.2 or higher.
1. Unpack files into your OBS Studio Theme Folder (...\obs-studio\data\obs-studio\themes).
2. Restart OBS Studio.
3. Go to Settings > Appearance and select the style Arci Resized