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Python Plugin 0.2.8

Minimum OBS Version
Supported Bit Versions
  1. 32-bit
  2. 64-bit

What does this plugin do?

It wraps the OBS API in Python allowing you to create custom sources using easily editable Python scripts.

Who is this plugin for?

Currently this plugin is aimed at those who know how to program in Python and want to create custom sources.

Why use this plugin?

Python is a high level scripting language, this has the advantage that scripts are quicker to develop, maintain and require a simpler development environment in most cases.

What's the catch?

It is still in development, not all the functions of OBS are fully wrapped (some might never be), documentation is currently sparse and there will likely be some bugs.

Treat all untested scripts with the same caution as anything else you might download on the internet. It is possible for malicious scripts to be created YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

This plugin is not necessarily the fastest. For scripts that do not touch audio or video data it is negligibly slower than that of a native plugin. However if the script handles video or audio data it is possible that it will be significantly slower than a native plugin. It is up to the script developers to optimize their scripts.

It is the responsibility of script developers to test their scripts. A poorly programmed script will not work in the best case, with the worst being that OBS will crash.

How do you use this plugin?

The simplest way is to install Python (2.7 or 3.4) (32-bit) and then use the correct python version installer on the Github Releases page. If you do not want to use the installer you can alternatively download the zip file and copy the files to the necessary places described in INSTALL.
  • Once installed you should be able to add a Python source.
  • You will then be presented the Config Python Plugin UI.
  • Browse to the Scripts Main Python source file and click open.
  • The file will then be scanned for classes, if there is only one class in the file then it will be selected, otherwise ensure that the correct class is picked.
  • If you don't have a GUI for your script Browse to '' otherwise browse to your GUI script. Remember to select the correct class if your GUI script has more than one.
  • Once both the GUI and Main source have a class selected you will be able to click OK.
  • If you choose a non-default GUI it should now be presented to you, otherwise you will see the same selection GUI again. Click OK again on the default GUI and it will close.
Your new Python source should now be added to the scene and ready to use.
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Python 3.4 Support

    Support for Python 3.4 has now been added. Check out the latest releases on Github