OBS Scene Timer

Free OBS Scene Timer v2.0.2

A new update! This new update contains the following:
  • Configuration can now be edited via it's own GUI. Head to File -> Settings After changing the settings, click Save and restart the application. Now longer editing config files :D
  • The two main panels (left and right) are now resizable
  • SceneLogger will log application exit with an timestamp and empty scene name value
  • Made notification icon less noticeable if there are no new notifications
  • Also gave notification screen a more obvious Close button
  • Removed copyright from timer panel and gave it it's own screen with more application info
  • Fixed some bug in the module which tries to automatically determine video lengths (thanks to mattharris)
  • Fixed a bug that after automatic video length determination not all time limits for all scenes are updated (thanks to mattharris)
  • Fixed a bug that after application restart, the countdown won't be displayed for the first current scene (if it has a time limit)
  • Fixed that if only one scene limit value is saved, it couldn't be loaded on the next application startup

Thanks for the feedback and feel free to leave some comments.
This new update contains the following:
  • Auto (re)connect to OBS. So no longer starting OBS before starting OBS Scene Timer! Timer won't be interrupted if connection with OBS is lost.
  • Font size of the timer clocks can be adjusted in the user.properties file (see readme for more information)
  • Added a fancy icon for the application, which also turns red when the time limit has been reached
  • Notifications about numerous of things than can go wrong, especially about the connection with OBS
  • Added a functionality to enable timestamp logging of scene changes to a CSV file (see readme for more information)
  • Oh, and scenes are now displayed in the same order as they are displayed in OBS

Feel free to leave comments, tips, use cases, chocolate cake, anything...
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Reactions: Paramike
In this step by step guide I will walk you through the setup of this application. I won't talk about how to install OBS or the required obs-websocket plugin. These have their own guides.

1. Preparation/requirements:
  1. Install OBS.
  2. Install obs-websocket.
  3. Make sure Java 8 (or greater) is installed.

2. Installation of OBS Scene Timer on the same computer as OBS:
EXE application
  1. Download the latest version of obs-scene-timer.exe file from obs-scene-timer on BitBucket.
  2. Run OBS Scene Timer by double-clicking this obs-scene-timer.exe file.
JAR application
  1. Download the latest version of obs-scene-timer.jar file from obs-scene-timer on BitBucket.
  2. Run OBS Scene Timer by double-clicking this obs-scene-timer.jar file.
    If you work from the command line, run: java -jar obs-scene-timer.jar
    1. If on Linux: you might need to make it executable first, by running chmod +x obs-scene-timer.jar in the same directory as the file.
    2. If on Windows: the application will run without requiring any additional actions from the user.

3. Setup OBS Scene Timer configuration:
  1. Run OBS Scene Timer and go in the menu to File -> Settings
  2. Edit the configuration values to suit your needs.
    If you are running OBS Scene Timer on another computer as OBS itself, than you must set the right IP address:
    1. Edit the value OBS websocket address to: ws://localhost:4444 and replace localhost in this value with the correct IP address of the computer on which OBS is running.
  3. Hit Save and restart OBS Scene Timer

4. Use the application: Prepare for streaming:
  1. Start OBS.
  2. Run OBS Scene Timer by double-clicking this obs-scene-timer.exe or obs-scene-timer.jar file.
  3. When the connection to OBS is successful, all scenes will be loaded in OBS Scene Timer.
  4. For each scene, a time limit can be specified by entering a number in the input box right of the scene name. This number is the time limit for the scene in seconds.
  5. Hit 'Tab' or click on another box to make sure the new value has been loaded. This value will also be saved to the configuration (user.properties file) almost immediately.
  6. If you don't want to specify a time limit for a scene, just leave the value at 0 and no countdown will be shown.

5. Use the application: During streaming:
  1. Make sure OBS and OBS Scene Timer are running, otherwise execute steps 4.1 and 4.2 from Use the application: Prepare for streaming
  2. Now, the current active scene in OBS will be displayed in the main window in OBS Scene Timer. You will see a timer counting up and the current active scene name displayed at the top of the window.
  3. Whenever the active scene changes in OBS, OBS Scene Timer will react on this by restarting the timer from 0 and also displaying the new active scene name at the top of the screen.
  4. When a time limit/duration greater than 0 is specified for the current active scene, a countdown will also be displayed. When this countdown reaches zero, this means the scene has reached it's time limit. Visual warnings will be showed in OBS Scene Timer.

OBS Scene Timer will not change anything in OBS itself. It will only request information about the current active scene and the scene list.