Live Stream Chat Retriever
Retrieve live streams chat messages from different sources (Twitch, YouTube Gaming, Dailymotion, etc...).
If you have an optical fiber connection, you might want to send your live streams to multiple services to reach a wider audience. But in this case, if you want to display the chat on your stream, you need to make a choice.
The purpose of this project is to display an HTML page that will retrieve all chat messages from these different sources to display them in real time.
Supported services:
You need to install
Node.js and launch npm install in the root folder.
Rename the
config.template.json file to
config.json and complete the missing information with yours.
If you need more information about how to fill this config file, please read the
corresponding part from the wiki.
Once that is done, you can run this command from the root folder: npm start
Then, you should see the chat messages if you browse to