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Frame Interleave Filter 0.1.1

Supported Bit Versions
  1. 64-bit
Source Code URL
Minimum OBS Studio Version
Supported Platforms
  1. Windows
  2. Mac OS X
  3. Linux
This plugin interleaves video frames to reduce CPU and GPU usage while the source is not displayed to the program.

Without this plugin, while a video source is shown on at least one display, such as preview and program displays, every video frame is transferred to the GPU. If you have multiple video sources, a poor system might not have enough power to process all frames.

This filter will be helpful to reduce the frames to be transferred for video sources other than the program.

Expected use cases are below but not limited to them.
  • Having multiple camera sources and switching them.
  • Having NDI source but not always rendered to the program.
Note that the interleave will happen when the source is displayed on the projector window.

How to use
Follow these steps for each of your video sources such as Video Capture Device, Blackmagic Device, AJA I/O Device Capture, NDI Source.
  1. Open the filter dialog for your source.
  2. Click + button at the bottom of the "Audio/Video Filters" list. (If there is no "AUdio/Video Filters" list, this plugin does not support that source type.)
  3. Add "Interleave Frame".
  4. Optionally, adjust interleave time. If you increase the time, CPU and GPU resource usage will go low but your video will be stuttering more.

  • Not all binaries are tested.
    • Windows: never tested.
    • macOS: never tested.
    • Ubuntu: never tested but the source code is tested on CentOS Stream 8.
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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  1. Frame Interleave Filter 0.1.1

    This is a hotfix release of a frame interleave filter for OBS Studio. Changes in this version...

Latest reviews

works good on x64/win10. Thanks!