Knowledge Base > F.A.Q.s > Audio Sources

Audio Sources

Audio Input/Output Capture

Windows macOS Linux
✅ Available ✅ Available ❌ Use ALSA/Pulseaudio sources (below)


This source allows you to add an audio input or output device (i.e. microphone or headset respectively) to a specific scene. Simply pick the device you wish to capture, and the audio from that device will be captured when the source is active. These sources can be useful if you only want specific audio devices active in specific scenes, rather than globally through all of OBS.

WARNING: Audio Input/Output Capture source can cause an echo effect if you have the same device selected in Settings -> Audio. If you plan on adding audio devices directly to your scenes, make sure they are disabled globally first.


Property Description Default
Device Specifies the audio device to capture Default
Use Device Timestamps (Windows-only) Attempt to use information from the audio device to prevent desync Off

Audio Capture Device (ALSA/PulseAudio)

Windows macOS Linux
❌ Not available ❌ Not available ✅ Available


Property Description Default
Device Specifies the audio device to capture Default
Rate (ALSA-only) Specifies the audio rate at which to capture 44100 Hz