Question / Help Zoom h4n glitchy audio input capture it's noisy/glitchy


Active Member
What sample rate do you have the Zoom set to? I also notice a huge number of notices for excessive audio buffering. Do you have an audio input you can plug this into instead of USB?
Right now I have one of those y connectors that go into the std macbook headphone jack but it just takes mono input. I have one on order that takes stereo.


Active Member
44.1 is a sample rate. 160 is a bitrate. Not the same thing. Doublecheck that OBS is also using 44.1 khz in Settings > Audio, just to be sure.

What I mean by buffering is that OBS is having trouble getting a constant signal from your microphone, and is buffering audio in response. It continues to do so until it reaches the maximum allowable amount of buffer, and then stops-- even if the problem persists.
I did 2 things. I cleared all my scenes, profiles, sources and started fresh- I was having some other issues as well. Set the Zoom to 48hz and obs to 48 and all is well. And its going into usb
Thanks for the explanations!