Zoom Blacked out on OBS


New Member
Hello : i started using zoom very recently ; my teacher has assigned us an executable named WinZoom Which upon launch requests the server and login id credentials ; once connected a new window will pop up named zoom meeting , thing is just as it initiates the connection the window gets blacked out ; its there on OBS but its just black i tried adding it as a window capture source , modifying some capture settings i thought it may be due to another service or excutable but nothing new was launched ;i also tuned to google for some help but i wasnt able to find anything helpful ;It more likely has something to do with him blocking his screen sharing (because the settings and chat notifications appear in the record) though im looking for a way to bypass it if able; i cant use zoom itself to record because he instructed us not to still i want to record using OBS , any help would be greatly appreciated ,thanks for your time :)