Bug Report YUV Color Range Partial/Full are switched around



I remember this bug from the original OBS, it seems it got carried over to OBS Multiplatform as well?

Under Advanced, the Partial/Full options have been switched around. Partial is actually full range, while Full gives crushed blacks and blown whites. I've tested both outcomes on Twitch and made a gif proving this.

The color range setting under Video Capture Device was set correctly, and reflects so in my preview window. It is only the one under Advanced tab that is bugged, and this is the setting that affects the output that gets sent to Twitch.


That isn't switched, that is exactly the way it is supposed to look. Full will always look darker. If you don't believe me open up that full image in Photoshop, Goto Image/Levels and change the Range to 16-235

Another example is in CCC(I am sure Nvidia has something similar), you can change the video range from Partial(Limited) to Full and that partial image will look like the full image when you watch the video in a supported player

VLC and MPC-HC also have the option to change the levels range
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Full will always look darker.
I think you are missing the point where the device and preview are showing a correct image, but the Advanced tab is screwing up the image before sent out to Twitch. For HD consoles that have color settings, 'Full' is supposed to be slightly lighter because 0-15 is shifting everything up. 'Partial' is darker because it takes 16 and up and stretches it down to 0.


TVs cannot display RGB Full, that is the whole reason we have RGB Full and Limited. H.264 is a broadcasting codec made for HD content. When you encode with it you encode RGB 16-235 (Partial/Limited).

If you force encoding in Full range, you convert everything below 16 to 0, crushing blacks, anything above 235 to 255, blowing out whites.

Because you are viewing this encode on your PC monitor you are seeing the result of that conversion. Your console has a colour range because there are Full RGB TVs and people hook them up to PC Monitors



So even though my capture card and console are set correctly to RGB full range, and OBS' preview window shows correct results, I'm supposed to pick Partial under Advanced tab by design?