Youtube upload result quality is crisp when stand still but blurry when moving


New Member
So I have tried various combination of OBS setting and bitrate, record the gameplay, the gameplay is crisp and smooth, no stuttering.
My target is only at 1080p 60fps
But all of them, I upload to youtube, having the same problem, the image get blurry when moving. I am playing COD Modern Warfare.
I really have no idea what else I can do to make it look good. But then I see some chit chat around the internet and it has something to do with
"stats for nerds" -> "AVC/VP09 codec". I see all of my video are all in AVC Codec and seems like VP09 will solve my blurry issue. Here's my question:

1. Is it right that the blurry issue because I am using AVC not VP09?
2. How do I get VP09? They say I gotta have X number of views or X number of subscribers, is that true?
3. They say there are some trick to make it VP09, by render it in higher resolution, like 1440p or 2160p. Is that true? Tried it, but does not work, still get AVC on my 1440p.