Question / Help YouTube Livestreaming - compression artifacts at 3500, 9000 and even 12000 kbps?


New Member
We are livestreaming a 720p video feed to YouTube using OBS on OSX (iMac, probably mid-2015, from memory)

Input video is from a 1080p camera (Sony HXR-NX3), however, we're sampling at 720p due to the limitations of some other equipment in the chain.

The internet is currently a 5Mbps/5Mbps line - and I had the video bitrate set to 3500kbps, using the x264 software codec.

However, we noticed some pretty bad compression artifacts and blockiness when watching the live YouTube stream.

Today, I tried with a 4G (LTE) dongle, which had around 20 Mbps upstream bandwidth - I tried increasing the video bitrate to 9000kbps, and even 12,000kbps. However - surprisingly, we still saw pretty bad compression artifacts.

I assumed 9000kbps in video bitrate at 720p with x264 would be more that sufficient to have a live YouTube stream without noticeable blockiness, correct?

Are there some obvious things we should check first?

Or what else should I include here that would help narrow down the problem?


Forum Moderator
Youtube re-encodes all output, so what you send them is not what you see in the video player. Compare by making a local recording with the same settings.