Yet another Encoding Issue


New Member

Hi all,
I am not the most tech savvy. My OBS was working perfectly fine before the update to 28 and since then I've had a lot of encoding errors. Today I went to stream and I followed guidance from OBS help, lowering my framerate, lowering my output resolution, removing excess items from my scenes. My other option for an encoder is H.264 and not the Quicksync, AMF, or NVENC ones the guide recommends. Before the update to OBS 28 I never had an encoding issue before and all of my streams ran perfectly fine with no dropped frames or issues. I'm at a loss of what to do now. I ran the logs through the analyzer and the only thing it mentioned was that my microphone is not the same rate as my windows.


use DDU to clear out your driver then reinstall your GPU drivers
Have you made sure all your plugins are updated for OBS 28
Lastly, you could just rollback to OBS 27


Active Member
Have you uninstalled previously to the update? If not, do so and then uninstall OBS and install OBS again in order to fix the changes done by the previous version of
