Question / Help Yet Another BSOD Thread


New Member
So I've moved onto OBS from Fraps as I was getting tired of having to deal with file sizes of around 275GB. I spent some time with it, recording test footage of DOOM at 1080p and 60fps, mostly altering the video bitrate to find what works best for my system. I found the best settings for me and started recording.

So this is where the problem started. First time I recorded around 3-4 mins before the first BSOD. Second time it was around the same amount of time. Third time I managed to get about 10 minutes, but of course it happened again. Fourth time was just a few mins footage before I just gave up.

I started the game without any recording software just incase the problem was happening without OBS. Played for a quite a while and nothing was happening. I went back to Fraps and recorded footage. Again I played for a while and had no problems or odd behaviors what so ever. I've never had BSOD problems with Fraps with the 12+ or so hours of footage I've done in total.

Concerning the BSOD. I do remember seeing the line Driver IRQL Not Less or Equal when it occurred and I do have the dmp files, but I can't seem to upload them to this thread due to permission problems.

I'm sorry for the long description, but I figured the more info you had the more it would help possibly solving this problem. If anyone can help at all it will be much much appreciated.

Oh, and lastly:-

Windows 10 Pro
Nvidia GTX 1060
Also I'm using a Sound Blaster Omni Surround 5.1 external card for my audio.

Thank you


Suslik V

Active Member
If Windows prompts to you to send report after rebooting PC - then do it. Because, it is possible that you just found an error in your software or hardware. Also, you may try to uninstall fraps and then run Studio. If you have any Studio's crash logs, please post them (%APPDATA%\obs-studio\crashes).


New Member
Here's what I've done so far:-

- I did a Memtest and nothing came up. Passed with no errors.

- I've uploaded a screenshot of my settings during the BSOD and crashes. I've tried using both the normal CPU preset and the one you see there in the Encoder options. I've tried recording to my main C: (SSD) drive and to my D: (HDD) drive.

- Tried different quality settings too. Tried all of them in fact.

- Another thing too, I am not using OBS to stream, just to record.

this started happening around the time I installed software for my Corsair M95 mouse. I'll uninstall that just in case it might be doing something. Any other things I could try over the weekend?


  • 2016-10-31 21-35-06.txt
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Suslik V

Active Member
BSOD screen may have more info for you what happened. Check Windows Logs>System, look for Error. Maybe use BlueScreenView utility.


New Member
I'll make sure to do so. Also I do have the mini I'll be sure to do that. I'm doing some more testing after work tonight. Driver IRQL Not Less or Equal was the only thing I remember from the Blue Screens. I'm also trying to upload the .dmp files, but because of permissions it won't let me upload them. If anyone could tell me how to upload those that'd be great.


New Member
Just a quick update. Here is a list of the Blue Screens I've had, and also the latest one.


  • bsod.png
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  • bsod2.png
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Suslik V

Active Member
You need to ask Microsoft about crashes. This is a link how to prepare files for Mircosoft:
follow the info and ask Microsoft, please. I don't think that be able to help you with your issue. Your error points to different problem than just OBS Studio fault.

I can provide you only general info about the problem you have. Please, read the next info too.
The previous BSOD caused by display driver. If some components overclocked try to revert to default settings. If overheated - check what cause this. Maybe try to install latest driver for your video adapter. Or check hardware itself (from power supply to video adapter).

Anyway, it is not OBS Studio software fault. BSODs caused by HW malfunction and any software operation only leads to application crash - this is main benefit you have from the OS (actually, this is single thing why you need OS at all on your PC - it manages between HW and different requests of actions from the applications).

Malfunction of the hardware is based on: 1) HW failure; 2) software failure by HW manufacturer; 3) software failure by OS manufacturer. If OBS Studio fails - system should crash it, but not crash whole PC - this is the main reason of the OS.