Question / Help x264 Only option?


Wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something, I have an nvidia 970. I see Nvidia nvenc is only available on Windows 10. (Still on Win 7 x64) So my only option is x264 I suppose? I do have an Amd Video coding engine still in there, but did not even attempt it with my 970 and not sure how to remove that one.



Active Member
VCE won't show up if you don't have a Radeon card installed.
If you're on windows 7, you're basically stuck with x264.


VCE won't show up if you don't have a Radeon card installed.
If you're on windows 7, you're basically stuck with x264.

Ok, well that's goo to know, thank you. Are there still plans to add Nvidia nvenc for win 7?

Also, do I need to remove the AMD codec that is still there?


Active Member
When you choose a different encoder, VCE should disappear automatically.
A custom implementation of NVENC is in the works.


Active Member
Then you may have remnants of the AMD drivers installed that are causing it to detect VCE (assuming you don't have the card in the system anymore)


New Member
Yes same problem on my win7, also have 970gtx, and btw legasy OBS worked with NVENC! but OBS Studio not? =/