I use something similar to
ffmpeg -i 2015-08-23\ 15-19-26.mkv -map 0:1 -acodec: copy -vn 2015-08-23\ 15-19-26-desktop.mka -map 0:2 -acodec: copy -vn 2015-08-23\ 15-19-26-microphone.mka -map 0:3 -acodec: copy -vn 2015-08-23\ 15-19-26-speakers.mka[code]
Two files were extracted, but they have same content - game and mic sound mixed.
Here is a screenshot with my settings. Maybe something is wrong?
Screen1-1: I check Audio track 1 and 2, cause I want to get two audio streams.
Screen1-2: I set bitrate for that streams.
Screen1-3: I choose devices: Desktop audio device is my audiocard with headphones. Mic\auxiliary audio device is my microphone. I think a mistake might be right there. We have 4 checkboxes and 5 lists of devices. I'm not sure how do they relay to each other.
Screen2-1: We see that file have two audiostreams inside
Screen2-2: I extract it with commands from prev post.
And as I said, both have mixed sound.